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Federated EGA Norway node


This page documents the practical steps to upload data files and meta-data describing your dataset. Before an actual submission you should send us an email at expressing your interest to submit a dataset to Federated EGA Norway, and you will receive detailed instructions to guide you through the submission process.

Before you start, please, make sure that you have all the required software installed. All the required tools are open-source and developed by Elixir developers. Please, avoid using any third-party tools that are not listed on this page.

1. Formal requirements

The most prominent first action needed, is that we enter into a Data Processing Agreement together, with your home organisation as the Data Controller and the University of Oslo as the Data Processor and Service Provider of the Federated EGA Norway node. A generic researcher guide can be found here.


2. Registering

You will need to obtain a Central EGA account prepared for submission to the Federated EGA Norway node. Follow these instructions to register.

You will also need a Life Science login (a.k.a. ELIXIR AAI) identity to submit data to the Federated EGA Norway node. If you don't have one already, you can easily associate your home institution identity from FEIDE (or other user supported identities) to a LS Login (ELIXIR AAI) user profile during first login, see the login button on our front page.

If you have any questions regarding identities/accounts needed for FEGA Norway, please contact the FEGA Norway helpdesk.

3. Encryption

In order to deposit your data, it must me encrypted first with crypt4gh tool.

The public key of our Federated EGA Norway service should be downloaded first. Then your own key-pair should be generated.

Finally, the encryption can be performed.

You can find more details on the tool page at the GitHub.

4. Authentication

Before uploading the data, you need to set the authentication environment variables.

First, you must set CENTRAL_EGA_USERNAME and CENTRAL_EGA_PASSWORD. This is your EGA credentials.

Second, you have to set ELIXIR_AAI_TOKEN. This is a JWT token that can be generated on this website after successful LS login/Elixir AAI authentication:

Note that ELIXIR_AAI_TOKEN has an expiration time of nearly two hours, so one would need to re-obtain and re-set it upon expiration.

5. Uploading

At last, you can perform the actual upload of the previously encrypted data, using lega-commander tool.

Uploads are processed in chunks, so it is possible to resume the upload in case of unexpected interruption.

It is also possible to upload directories with files. In this case one must specify a folder name instead of the filename. Please, keep in mind that the hierarchy of the subfolders is not preserved, i.e. if you have files in multiple nested folders, they all will end up in one folder on the server.

You can find more details on the tool page at the GitHub.


6. Submitting metadata

After successful upload, the metadata about the submission must be entered into the FEGA Norway Submitter Portal.

A detailed FAQ about the metadata submission is available at the EGA website.

If you have any questions regarding metadata submission to Federated EGA, please contact us at