The Sensitive Data Archive project (SDA aka LocalEGA) has emerged as part of a productive collaboration between ELIXIR Norway, NeIC Heilsa and our partners at Central EGA: EBI and CRG. The Federated EGA Norway node is developed and operated by ELIXIR Norway and UiO (USIT and TSD), utilising the components of the SDA project collaboration.

ELIXIR Norway is a national node of ELIXIR, the pan-European infrastructure for biological information, supporting life science research and its translation to medicine, environment, the bioindustries and society. While the FEGA Norway service is operated by ELIXIR Norway partners that actively perform research themselves, this will in no way influence priorities in the quest to provide unbiased high-quality services to the users of FEGA Norway. All users are given equal access and priority to the system. ELIXIR personell operating FEGA Norway will not in any way access the data for research purposes.

All the software components incorporated into the SDA solution are open-source and publicly available at GitHub. We leverage the power and flexibility of various technological stacks, therefore the list of languages used includes Python, Java, and Go.
The main repositories are: