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Federated EGA Norway node


Before the start, please, make sure that you have all the required software installed. All the required tools are open-source and developed by Elixir developers. You will need an Elixir AAI login to download a dataset from the Federated EGA Norway node. You can easily register here if you have not done so already.

1. Approval

In order to retrieve the desired dataset in Federated EGA, you must first contact the Data Access Committee (DAC) of the dataset to start you data access application.

After signing the required documents, your data access application will be approved, and the Federated EGA Norway helpdesk will be notified about your granted access to the dataset.


2. Encryption

Before downloading the data, FEGA Norway helpdesk will encrypt it using your crypt4gh public key.

To generate your encryption keys, please use crypt4gh generate command and enter a selected key name and a password of your choice when prompted.

Second, send your <key name>.pub.pem public key to the FEGA-Norway-Helpdesk, and store your <key name>.sec.pem private key file in a secure manner so that only you can access it.

You can find more details on the tool page on GitHub.

3. Download

You can perform the actual download of the previously encrypted data, using lega-commander tool.

First, you must set ELIXIR_AAI_TOKEN. This is a JWT token that can be generated after successful registration on this page:

Second, check if the file(s) is(are) already listed under your outbox and ready for download (you should have received an email from the FEGA Norway helpdesk confirming this). Finally, you can download the file(s).

You can find more details on the tool page on GitHub.

4. Decryption

After successful download, you need to use the crypt4gh tool to decrypt the data.

First, you need to move the data to a secure environment for sensitive data.

Second, you need to decrypt the downloaded file(s) using the crypt4gh private key corresponding to the public key you provided to the FEGA Norway helpdesk for encrypting the data.

If you have any questions regarding data retrieval from the Federated EGA Norway node, please contact the FEGA-Norway-Helpdesk.